Live a « one of a kind » experience

Sharing a passion for freediving, we do everything we can to give you the best : our know-how, sharing what we know how to do, what we saw people do, and what you already know how to do.

Courses, workshops, personal coaching, team building seminars, group expeditions and exploration, many of our various projects will satisfy you whether you are a beginner or a professional freediver, a group leader, representing an association or a club. We have answers, tools, equipment and partnerships to accomodate you, whatever you might be looking for.

Workshops with individual coaching

For equalization, technic, performance, and all aspects of indoor or open water freediving, our workshops are specifically designed for you to learn optimized theorical and technical contents and tips, according to your level.

Workshops with collective coaching

Workshops and general collective courses allow a smooth progression, people being surrounded by kindess and special attention. Often aimed at an audience with varied skills, those events allow experimented freedivers to take a step back and put things into perspective alongside those who have less experience, and beginners to gain experience by rubbing shoulders with high-level athletes.

Team building workshops

Welcoming clubs, associations, federations, work concils, or any other kinf of group, we customize the workshops means and contents to suit each group.

Common for us to organize, we master the planning and adjustments of team building workshops.

Workshops all around the world

Egypt, Oceania, Asia, the Canary Islands, etc… We travel the world and bring you with us for wonderful workshops and explorations allowing all of us to enjoy magnificent landscapes, comfortable places, and give us opportunities to meet amazing people and fantastic wildlife. Our partners helps us make your trip become a waking dream.